Friday, March 13, 2009


Star Sign Compatibility Reading

When Leo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is often fireworks! Both Signs are extremely dynamic and enjoy life to the fullest. This couple is full of life and fun to be around, with each person encouraging the other to aim high! Sagittarius's philosophical tendency warrants a distraction to Leo's obsession with the larger-than-life. The two will have genuine admiration and respect for one another. Both are warm, charismatic and charming; people enjoy being in the energy this couple radiates. You share an active, dynamic, mobile and assertive lifestyle. You're each somewhat special and lead some sort of a charmed life. Each of you is usually competitive, flamboyant, positive and life affirming. To create success together create a common vision of the future. Your star-struck attraction for each other is natural and will turn out to be very exciting and potentially long-lasting. Sagittarius, the adventurous Archer, is the ideal partner for the regal Lion. Leo will be enthralled by that fun-loving, no-nonsense approach, while Sagittarius will be enchanted by your sunny, open disposition and warm-hearted inner strength. You have an instinctive understanding of each other's deepest needs and are both quite open in matters of sexual fulfilment, with no fear of physicality.

The Lion is ruled by the shining Sun and the Archer is ruled by fortunate Jupiter. The Sun, centre of our solar system, is the ruler of the heart, so in return for your loyalty and warmth, Sagittarius is more than happy to let Leo be the centre of attention. Jupiter is spiritually inclined, so sex for the Archer can be a doorway into higher awareness (as well as being great fun!). Sagittarius is anything but conservative in sexual matters and is a sucker for the new and exotic, especially things redolent of adventure and far-away places. Making plans for travel at the drop of a hat, or intimate accounts of personal experiences in foreign parts will get the Archer's juices running. At heart, Leo is practically perfect. The ancients have said that Leo is entitled to the Lion's share of fun. Leo needs to roar with pride, both on centre stage and in the bedroom. By developing willpower, Leo can find creative ways to get into the spotlight and shine. Leo is playing the game of life stakes higher than Leo may realize. To win points, Sagittarius can treat Leo to a most excellent piece of gold jewellery. Leo also appreciates Sagittarius' undivided attention.

Both Signs can be impatient but endearing, and Leo may be annoyed by Sagittarius's flirting, but there's never a dull moment in their relationship. Sagittarius sees the world as a textbook they must study from, while Leo acts as the gracious host. Both are extremely social, but it is vitally important to Leo that they feel that they are in control of the conversation. Leo is the Lion, the leader, while Sagittarius is the Archer, slowly taking the time to survey their target and feel the nuances of difference in their approach. Both Signs are usually respected by others, and it's important that each remembers to treat the other with the utmost respect as well. Essentially Sagittarius is a good sport. The question is, "What's your game Sagittarius?" Sagittarius needs to aim high and roam free. Folks tend to like the naturally enthusiastic Sagittarius. Sagittarius can cultivate tolerance and thus be able to get along with many different types of people. Sagittarius can get the power of positive thinking to work overtime. To do so, Sagittarius must clarify ideals and pursue life with a spirit of adventure.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter. Both are masculine energy archetypes, and together they make a good combination -- they understand one another because they are so similar. The Sun is about Self and Jupiter is about expansion and excess, together providing a personal and outward focus on themselves and the world, although sometimes they can overexert themselves. They're highly compatible with lots of energy, and can be a wonderful couple in any setting or situation. Jupiter loves excitement and finding new horizons, but is happy to be the power behind the throne. The Big Cat loves to shine and to be admired - and Sagittarius is happy to oblige, though sometimes can get a little tired of Leo’s constant need for stroking. Since honesty is the key for Sagittarius, this means your personal Archer can be quite tactless, with foot-in-mouth "honesty" that will irk Leos vanity. Keep your mighty claws sheathed and be magnanimous. The benefits of this relationship far outweigh such petty irritations.

Sagittarius, a Mutable Sign, needs a stronger, more stable partner, while Leo, a Fixed Sign, needs to be opened to greater possibilities. Sagittarius brings something of a spiritual quality to the partnership, while your grand sense of propriety can smooth the rough edges of your lover's sometimes awkward social personality. Sagittarius is light-hearted and focused on the next big adventure, and can easily bypass the negatives and focus on the positives. Even when Leo is at your petulant and demanding worst, Sag will duck your swipes and divert you with scent of the next great adventure. Your deep strength and powerful heart give a great backup to the Archer, whose natural optimism and willingness to take risks suits your own outward-looking personality. Together you make a great team. This relationship will be exciting and potentially long-lasting. It's a perfect match.


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