Wednesday, April 15, 2009

He is just not that into me

He finally said goodbye. I asked him yesterday when I could see him again and he replied with a smiley:


I'm glad the chase is over. I am not sourgraping but I don't think issues-laden bagets can replace my LTR. Just when I was about to tell him that I had a bf, he stopped communicating. Weird, He must have sensed it. His timing was impeccable.

Forwarded text message:

Sometimes you just want to quit when things start hurting you. Ypu want to leave everything as it is before the pain gets worse. But once you remember how much you've prayed, how much you really want it, and why you are fighting in the first place; hope comes back into your heart. And maybe, just maybe . . .

it is worth going this far.

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